
Vogue’s 73 Questions Tag…

So the lovely Abbie has tagged me to do this and here I am. I’ve loved reading everyone’s answers so was excited to do my own, so here goes…

1. What’s the best thing that has happened to you this month?
Things haven’t been so great but they are seeming to turn around. Starting new medication for my mental health disorders and getting discharged from the hospital and CMHT was a really big step for my recovery 
2. What’s the best thing that has happened to you this year?
 Getting my house
3. What’s the best thing ever?
 Snuggling up with the one you love and falling asleep together (cheesy, I know)
4. What’s your favourite season?
It’s got to be Autumn, isn’t that everyone’s fave?!
Image result for autumn gif
5. What’s your favourite holiday?
Christmas! I love just being with family and the lovely atmosphere
6. Would you ever live in a big city?

I always said I wanted to live in London but after working there, it made me appreciate the ease of living in Northampton. It’s busy but not crazy and I like that. 

7. What’s your favourite ice-cream?

Either vanilla or mint choc chip

8. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?

No, I’m quite bad for this. I just kick them off and always end up ruining the backs of my trainers.
9. What’s your favourite dessert?

I have SUCH a sweet tooth and love desserts of all kinds but there is something about cheesecake that gets me every time
10. Cake or pie?
11. What’s your least favourite food?

I’m not fussy at all when it comes to food so there’s not a lot that I don’t like but steak and kidney pies are my idea of hell.
12. What’s your favourite condiment?
 Oh 100% mayonnaise- I’d have it on everything if I could 😍
13. It’s brunch, what do you eat?
 Bacon and fried egg sandwich
14. What’s your favourite colour?
15. What colour dress did you wear to your prom?
It was lack and silver for my year 11 prom and a royal blue one for sixth form
16. Blow dry or air dry?
I love a good blow-dry but, I’ll admit, I’m always too lazy so just pop my damp hair in a plait
17. Do you think you’re strong?
Physically; no, not at all. Mentally; hell yes I’m strong. I’ve been through so much and am still standing, fighting through my recovery
18. Who’s a person you’d love to have coffee with?
 Youtuber and blogger Grace Victory, she’s an absolute babe! (
19. When was the last time you cried?
Last week
20. Who’s the last person you texted?
My sisters in our group chat
21. Twitter or Instagram?
22. Who should everyone follow right now?
23. Have you ever had anything stolen from you?

I want to be really cheesy here and say something like my heart but no, I haven’t.

24. Favourite country you visited?


25. Last country you visited?

26. Country you wish to visit?

I would love to visit America

27. First pet?

A cat called Tom
28. Favourite Disney animal?
Pumba from The Lion King

Image result for lion king pumbaa gif


29. What are you doing tomorrow?

I have dedicated my day to my blog, so things like planning posts for blogmas and possibly blogtober, working on post ideas and sorting through PR emails.

30. What are you most excited about in life right now?
I’m actually really excited about my blog, I feel like it’s something I’m so passionate about and I’m loving being able to write about the things I love.
31. What book are you reading right now?

I haven’t picked up a book in ages because whenever I have free time, I’m blogging but I have just started ‘While My Eyes Were Closed’ by Linda Green.
Image result for while my eyes were closed book
32. A book you read because everyone else was reading it?
I picked up ‘Nina Is Not Ok’ by Shappi Khorsandi because a friend said I had to read it but I don’t really hear a lot of people talking about books which is sad.


33. What are you completely bored of right now?


Image result for aint nobody got time for that gif
34. What’s your favourite beverage?

Strawberry Ribena ALLLL DAY!
35. What’s your favourite cocktail?

Pornstar Martini
36. What would you order at a McDonald’s drive thru?
Double cheeseburger, chips and a coke is my go-to
37. What’s one thing you still have from your childhood?
 A ragdoll that my mum bought me when I was little
38. What’s your favourite current TV show?

39. What’s a movie that made you cry?

The Notebook gets me right in the feels every time
40. What do you miss the most?

My best friend
41. What’s something you can’t do?
42. What are your nicknames?
My brother-in-law called me Ninski when I was little and he’s called me it ever since but apart from that it’s just Kate

43. What makes you laugh a lot?

 IRL it’s my sisters or tv-wise it has to be impractical jokers

44. Heels or flats?

I would love to wear heels all day errrday but I’m always in my flats

45. What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve done?

 Probably go to London and work for Marie Claire then go back to Look Magazine even though I was really anxious about being on the tube

46. What’s one thing you’ve wanted to do but been scared of?

 Sing in front of an audience 
47. What’s the thing you’re most proud of?

The fact that I’ve been dealing with poor mental health and had three suicide attempts but I’m still here and fighting, determined AF to recover.
48. What did you want to do with your life at age 5?

Be a singer. Still do but I just do not have the confidence
49. Dogs or cats?

I want to say both because I have a dog and a cat and love them both so much
50. What’s the most important thing someone can learn?
That life is hard and can really get you down but everything happens for a reason
51. Bath or Shower?

I do love a good bath, especially with Lush products
52. Mountain hideaway or beach house?
Beach house 
53. What’s your favourite scented candle?

I love vanilla scented candles but when it comes to autumn/winter it has to be spiced apple
54. If you could spend 3 months anywhere, where would it be?
55. Are you messy or neat?

I like to keep my house clean but my bedroom is, shall we say, an organised mess

56. What’s the first thing you do each morning?
 Check through social media

57. What do you have for breakfast?

Either bran flakes or toast
58. What’s the last thing you do before you go to bed?
Take off my makeup
59. What’s one skill you wish you had?
To be more confident in myself

60. What’s your favourite pizza?

Dominos chicken supreme with stuffed crust and a million pots of garlic and herb dip 
61. Describe your ideal man in three words?

Caring, funny and tall
62. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone?
 My mum

63. At what age were you happiest?
64. What’s the last thing you ate?

Dairy Milk wholenut
65. Where do you go when you need to be alone?

My bedroom has always been my go-to place or when I had a car, I’d just take myself off for a drive
66. What’s the biggest thing on your mind right now?
I cant say
67. What’s the best activity to do at home on a rainy day?

Blog whilst listening to some bangers

68. What are you listening to right now?
Kendrick Lamar- DNA
69. On a scale of 1-10, how happy are you with life right now?

70. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten?

Buffalo. Probably not that weird but I can’t think of anything

71. Starter or dessert?
72. Is there a dessert you don’t like? 
I’m not a fan of fruit cake
73. What is the furthest you have been from home?

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